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Soul Doula Death Nesting

Providing continuous support to souls on their end of life journey.

1 h
44 Canadian dollars
Zoom Meet|New Moon Healing Arts Studio|French River

Service Description

Supporting souls and their families through the end of life journey *Guided Death Planning* *Legacy Projects* *Caregiver Respite* *Reiki & Crystal Therapy* *Swedish Death Cleaning* *Vigiling* *After-Life Care, Soul Guidance & Psychopomp Work* Death nesting is to create a safe, sacred space for souls; for those who would like to prepare for their death in advance, who have received a terminal diagnosis & for those souls going through the active dying phase. A soul doula, death doula or end of life doula is a non medical professional who offers emotional, holistic, spiritual support to individuals as they journey through the dying experience. As a soul doula, I offer guidance, education and care for anyone at any stage of their end of life and their loved ones.

Contact Details

  • 16 Jean Street Alban Ontario


  • 16 Jean Street Alban Ontario


  • French River, ON, Canada


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