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Tattoo Moon

Hello Beautiful Soul

My name is Ashley and I am a soul doula.

I truly believe we have the power to heal ourselves, whether that is physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Our energetic bodies have the ability to heal and unlock "stagnant" energy; it's just a matter of remembering. It is my soul mission is to guide individuals to remember this magick within themselves.

I like to call myself an energy alchemist. I use many tools to help cleanse and align energies that will support the body to gently relax, become balanced and start the healing process. The soul is revitalized, grounded and feels safe to explore the root cause of dis-ease or to simply be, surrounded by peace. This deep dive into self healing is a soul lesson you don't have to venture and learn alone. 


I am trained in crystal therapy and as reiki practitioner. The ability to transmute and clear un-wanted energies through breathwork and movement medicine is somehow innate. It is my hope to share my gifts & tools with you so that you can ascend, grow and transform throughout this crazy beautiful, and sacred life journey. 

All of my soul doula energy healings & teachings are done in person and over distant as energies can travel across space and time.

What exactly is a soul doula? A soul doula is a non medical professional who offers emotional, holistic, spiritual support to individuals as they journey through the human experience.  

Some of my first
 soul doula experiences and have been with woman, through all stages of pregnancy including, conception, birth & labour. I have been blessed with beautiful opportunities, supporting mamas and babies energetically as they processed through pregnancy & birth. I am currently studying to become an end of life soul doula. This has been a calling for quite some time. It is such an honour to be remembering this part of my soul mission. I will be working in-homes as part of a palliative care team; creating safe, sacred space for the dying and to gently guide souls back "home".


My tool kit allows me to offer the dying reiki and crystal therapy as a means of pain management and relaxation. I use energy medicine to help support a soul physically, emotionally and spiritually, by focusing on the chakra system and intention. I often channel light language through written script, vocalization and visualization. Angelic connections are made and spirit guides are present while channeling during my work. I use a variety of divination tools to connect with Spirit such as tarot, pendulum and tea leaf readings. 

I am a witch with a strong connection to the animal spirit world and nature guides.

As a medicine woman and wisdom keeper, I have been creating intuitive gem elixers, sacred oil blends, malas, dream catchers and other tools to reach energy alchemy. I am a creatrix of crystal grid boards, templates and other magickal tools. Healing activation templates allow you to create your own crystal grid at home, focusing on self healing of a particular dis-ease, blockage or life obstacle. Template e-books are on their way! Stay tuned. 

As a mama and a teacher, I have been inspired to begin creating healing art workshops which I am excited to share with you soon.

I also support children on the autism spectrum and their families. As a an applied behaviour analysis (ABA) therapist, I provide in-home, 1:1 ABA therapy, parent coaching & respite. ABA and Autism Awareness Workshops and Reiki Respite are also in the works. 

On an energetic level, through various healing and teaching modalities, the body remembers...

It is my soul's purpose to guide and support others through their healing journeys.

Please reach out if you feel guided to work with me. 

Sending you so much love! 

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My Story

Coming Soon

My Story

I am a 


It is my soul mission to guide and support souls through their healing journeys and ascension. I do this on an energetic level, through various healing modalities including light language, crystal grids, reiki & crystal therapy. I also channel spirit guides through tarot, crystal and tea leaf readings.


My current offerings are offered online and in person. 


I'm always happy to connect and witness the magick that unfolds from within a soul client. 

If you feel called to work with me please reach out. 


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